planning in advanced.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
i was thinking what i'd do with my 30 gallon long tank after i get a 55 gal sometime this year,i'm planning to move everyone from my 30 gallon to a 55 gal then cycleing the 55 with gravel and decore from the 30 gal and recycleing the 30 gal and replacing the substraight.

i was wondering will my ugf work with sand and the fish below?

and would 6-8 or 10 female bettas,a school of glofish or neons and a Weather Loach (Dojo) or Chinese Hillstream Loach be compatible at all and also how many and which if not all of these fish are compatible?

i really want a female betta sorority and a few loaches =3

also i will properly research all the fish before i get them and of corse if i can find them online/catalogs and lps's.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
um i think the female bettas would be ok as long as you got them already housed with another female. i think the loach would be more comfortable with maybe a couple friends too. and id personally go with glofish, bad experiances with neons. and too many stories about ADFs eating neons.
i dont know anything about ADFs so couldnt answer that

and for plants, water wisteria, anubias if its on wood

and i would say a definate no to UGF working with sand. it packs down really bad, and i wouldnt recommend sand because the anorbic wastes that could be caused and kill your fish. and no UGF should be used with plants. its hard on the roots.


Large Fish
Sep 19, 2006
ADF's won't eat neons, ACF (african clawed frog) will. In fact the clawed frog would eat just about everything in the tank (they get quite large compared to the ADF)

I don't really know the rest of the fish so I can't comment there, I would however be worried about the frog(s) getting enough food with a lot of fish around (they aren't the brightest when it comes to finding food)


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
If you get a weather loach, get him a buddy or two. Actually, I think they prefer cooler temps. I keep my two in my goldie tank. How would you feel about a kuhlii loach instead? Since you're going to research them, I'm sure you'll make a good decision as to what kind of loach to get.

The Chinese hillstream loach is a coldwater fish which requires very high flow in the tank from what I've read. I opted not to get one because I felt that I couldn't provide a proper home for it.

Sand works out really well with my weather loaches. If you have some kind of critter that likes to burrow into the sand, like a weather loach, you don't really have to stir it, but otherwise, every few weeks you just kind of poke around in it a bit to make sure you don't have any gas pockets forming. It really isn't a problem; a lot of people have sand bottomed tanks. However, you do need to get a totally different kind of filter. You'll like that better anyway.

I'm not sure about the number of female bettas for a tank that size. Hopefully someone else with experience putting them in a community setting will chime in.

ADF's can be a bit hard to feed, but not impossible. Be sure they don't mistakenly sell you acf's, or it will eventually end up an acf species-only tank. Those suckers get big!


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
homebunnyj said:
I'm not sure about the number of female Bettas for a tank that size. Hopefully someone else with experience putting them in a community setting will chime in.
I frequent the Betta forums (Usually lurking ;) ), and I've seen on countless occasions people putting multiple female Betta in the same tank, sometimes it works OK, but most of the time problems develop, although female Betta are less aggressive towards each other than males, they do still squabble (sometimes quite harshly) a single female Betta in a community tank usually works OK, but multiple females?.... probably not a good idea. I'm sure someone on this forum has had "excellent" luck with multiple Bettas in a single tank (There's always at least one ;) ), but the majority of the time, it's not the case.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That would be like a mbuna tank or in the petstore... if there are so many bettas that none really has her own territory, there should be minimal problems. I think you'd do best with around 7-10, or else 2-3 (and they could set up their own territories). Make sure you've got plenty of hiding spaces for them, particularly floating plants or plants that reach all the way to the top. You'd also want to watch them very closely for the first couple hours, then less closely for the first week or so to make sure they're all playing nicely together. Try to get them all the same size and at the same time.

I would check out kuhli or yoyo loaches, they'd prefer the warmer temps more. If they're your only bottom feeders, you could have 3ish yoyos or 4-6 kuhlis.