planning my first marine tank

May 8, 2011
i am about 4 years away from buying my first marine tank but i don't want to make the same mistake i made with my freshwater tank (just listen to people in my local fish shop) so what i want to do is plan and do research years in advance. the maximum i would pay for my first marine is about 500-700 pounds. (including live rock but excluding corals and fish). what i would like to know is could i get a good tank for this amount of money. what equipment would i need
and what are some good starter fish and corals.


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
the veterans here will first have you look at all the stickies first. the stickies will get you to start thinking about exactly what kind of set up you want. after you read through all those, then come back with any questions that we can help you clarify.