Planning my Fuge/Sump

I'm in the early stages of planning my fuge/sump... a lot of this has to do with whether I'll be buying a house this year or not, but I want to get working on it either way.

One question I have is whether I can hook up my UV sterilyzer to the return line of the fuge, or it there is another way I can do it. I'm figuring it can't be hooked up to the overflow/in-line because there is not enough pressure to push that water through it.

My goal is to partition my 20gal which is currently planted (I'm getting bored with it), and use that as my fuge/sump. I will be putting a new skimmer and the heater in there, plus the obvious LR/macro/sand fuge section, and then the return section. Everything will go under the tank, and I really want to try to get my friend to wire me an outlet just to use for the tank, but he's hard to corral for a day of work!

If everything goes as planned, I want to get this done in August.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u dont want it on the return since itll kill off the pods before they make it into the tank ;) i dont run a uv but if i did id have it hooked up to one of the drain lines


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
actually a uv filter is pretty ineffective as the water flows too quickly through it to do much good at all....and it also is indiscriminate and kills everything, even the good stuff. Personally I wouldn't use it at all.