I have a bunch of plants where I throw away some each week.
If you are interested in the following, you can have them for free and pay shipping (about $4), or let me know if you have any plants you want to swap.
Najas Guadalupensis (guppy grass, great for breeding)
Some kind of hygrophilia (I think that's what it is, it goes kind of pink under bright light, easy to grow)
Be warned, snails may come free. If you want snails (ramshorn or pond) I can send those to you too.
I also have a bunch of Endler's livebearers. Those will cost around $35 for shipping, and if it's cold where you are, I wouldn't recommend getting them now. I have males and females, from at least 3 different lines. All are pure, and not mixed with guppies.
*crazysmil I will send these items free (you pay shipping) to MFT members, but if you just join to get freebies, I probably won't send you any.
Send me a PM, AOL IM (LotusMFT) or post here.
If you are interested in the following, you can have them for free and pay shipping (about $4), or let me know if you have any plants you want to swap.
Najas Guadalupensis (guppy grass, great for breeding)
Some kind of hygrophilia (I think that's what it is, it goes kind of pink under bright light, easy to grow)
Be warned, snails may come free. If you want snails (ramshorn or pond) I can send those to you too.
I also have a bunch of Endler's livebearers. Those will cost around $35 for shipping, and if it's cold where you are, I wouldn't recommend getting them now. I have males and females, from at least 3 different lines. All are pure, and not mixed with guppies.
*crazysmil I will send these items free (you pay shipping) to MFT members, but if you just join to get freebies, I probably won't send you any.
Send me a PM, AOL IM (LotusMFT) or post here.
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