Ramhorns, but ive found that in a high light heavily planted tank even pond snails work as they usually will eat dieing plant tissue and algae before going after robust and healithy plants.
Most Snail will eat the Dead/Dying plants first, Right? I am looking into getting some for my tanks. I need something to help clean. What type should I get? I will have to see that the LFS has. Also Snail are compatible with most fish, i.e. the ones in my signature?
Apple snails are quite entertaining, actually.
The barbs would most likely harrass the snails, picking at their antennae, IME. I lost a snail that way.
My Barbs really dont pick at my Guppies that I have seen. I have 2 small snails that hitch hiked in on plants. They dont mess with them. I will probably add 3 snail to each of my tnaks I have algae growing.
My Barbs really dont pick at my Guppies that I have seen. I have 2 small snails that hitch hiked in on plants. They dont mess with them. I will probably add 3 snail to each of my tnaks I have algae growing.
Ramshorns are a good idea. I have some in my planted tanks and haven't seen them eat the plants. Also, if you have a finer substrate, like sand, Malaysian Trumpet Snails would be good for keeping the sand sifted. They are plant safe too.
i thought that too, but i've seen eggs on my filter intake and on the middle of one of the sides of the tank......i don't mind snails too much, i just take out the bigger snails and feed them to my puffers