Planted 2.5gal Betta Tank

Nov 15, 2004
St. Catharines, Ont.
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This is my current 2.5gal tank -- there is no betta in it right now, because I have 3 in their own little homes, and I have yet to find a 4th that I absolutely love.
But I wanted to set the tank up and give it a chance to be established before I put a betta in it.
I've seen a lot of sites that say to put a live plant in the tank with the betta, or even in a bowl with a betta. I thought plants needed lighting and filtration -- am I wrong on this one?
I really want to put a couple live plants in this tank. If it's possible, can someone give me some help on it? Suggestions?
I also have a sick betta, my red one named Ron. He's really lethargic -- lays against the sides of his bowl, barely eats, flares half-heartedly while laying on the gravel [just his gills, no fin flaring], and rarely comes up for air. He seems bloated, and his scales are lightly pineconed, which makes me think that it might be dropsy. Any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
i think the tank is too small for most plants you see in larger planted tanks...but plants like banana plants would work probably. my suggestion would be a few banana 2 or 3 maybe. they stay relatively small and i think they look cool. IME, theyre pretty easy to keep.

not sure about the banana plants...if someone thinks banana plants wont work, please say something

about your betta...sounds like dropsy if he has the "pineconed" scales and is bloated. do you have any pics of him?

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Nov 15, 2004
St. Catharines, Ont.
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fishdude07 -- banana plants? i'll look into those -- maybe call the LPS tomorrow and see if they have them.
as for Ron.. I do have pictures of him, but as my digital camera resolution sucks you can't really tell at all. The only pictures I have where you can tell he's sick are ones where he's laying against the side of his bowl. There's no detail to see his pineconing. I can show you him laying on the gravel and against the bowl.. he doesn't have a plant because he was scared of all the ones I tried. He wouldn't go anywhere near them.
<--- laying on gravel.
<--- laying against bowl.
He's not fully pineconed yet, but he's been like this for a week.. the fish manager at the LPS said I should put him down if he doesn't get better in a couple days.
oscarowner -- do you know of anything that wouldn't float? one would be good, but I kinda wanted something to replace that spiky plastic plant.
biorium -- The light that's on my desk is 100W, but it gives off heat and light to two of my betta bowls. Would getting another desk lamp work, then? And just put a 100W in that? Or.. an actual aquarium light which requires getting the hood? (I didn't see a hood for sale to go with the tank.)


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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When i tried to get a hood for my 2.5 they lfs said that they didnt have any becuase usually a 2.5 is a qt tank and dont require hoods. they could not order one in for me. I cut a thin piece of clear plastic to size and drilled holes in it for air. I suppose you could get one of those small clip on lights for it. Like the ones that are designed for those betta plastic tanks. (like that green tank/bowl in the back of your picture. I think they are called pen pals or something. I had a lamp behind my 2.5 and I tossed a few plants in there (java fern and moss are both low light) they grew well but I hate the live plants. They are too much trouble and they always get uprooted. Good old plastic for me.

Good luck with your sick betta. Try really clean water (as in a daily water change for a few weeks staight) Maybe that will perk him up if its not dropsy. I could be constipation (though the pineconing leads me to think dropsy) try the pea trick.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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jus a quick reminder, they do have a 2.5 gal. cover and even a 2.5 gal light my petsmart (i dunno if u guys ahve one or not) they sell both of i guess the only thing u can really do is keep looking..And at petsmart they sell a 2.5 gal package which is jus the tank and the glass cover for like 10+ dollars.

Nov 13, 2004
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i have a 2.5 gallon hex. i put a java fern with my male betta...its easy to grow in low lighting but i have no filtration. my betta loves the java fern!

why not put a light from like a desk lamp, the watts per gallon is very easy in your case...a simple overhead lamp with flourecent is probably more than enough.

if u are not too concerned about lighting in the way its displayed home depot has these flourecent tubes at differnt sizes that go under ur counter top.

you can put that on top of your tank or make a little bracket for it, and they are only around 6 dollars. i think they make a nice slim silver one..and they are 15 watts of light.

hope your betta gets better...

Nov 15, 2004
St. Catharines, Ont.
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The Petsmart here sucks *** and does not carry the hood/light fixture. To my knowledge anyway.. I didn't see it on Tuesday.
I'll have to add it to my Christmas list. I checked the website though, and I think I saw a light fixture, but the smallest hood I saw was for a 5.5 gallon. And my 5 already has a hood and light.
Java Fern.. sounds good, cos I couldn't find any banana plants.
My desk lamp, which is usually clipped onto my bed, is now clipped onto the tank during the day, so that seems to be working out really well. If my parents can't find me a hood for Christmas, I'll just ask for a desk lamp that I can sit next to the tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You can get any hardware store to cut you a piece of plexiglass to fit. Just make sure that it is big enough and that you get at least double thickness...1/4 inch is probably better. If you get regular thickness, it will warp really bad and try to fall into the tank. If you get the light for the tank, then it will help stop the plexiglass from warping.

Nov 15, 2004
St. Catharines, Ont.
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What if I use the plastic craft canvas sheet stuff? I can custom-cut a size myself [I'm used to working with it anyway, my nana uses it all the time] ... the tank is 12" long by 6" wide, and 7" high.. all I need is one big sheet of canvas. If I duct tape it onto the back [with a small hole for the filter's cord] and make a small latch at the front to keep it down, and keep a desk light next to it for light, could that work? I finally found some banana plants at the LFS, so I'm considering those, as well as adding one dwarf frog with the betta. Any thoughts?

Nov 15, 2004
St. Catharines, Ont.
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Awesome.. I was thinking I'd have it taped down at the back and sides, and then using yarn or embroidery floss or something to make an opening to feed him through -- like a hole with a flap on top, and sew the flap to the rest of the canvas. And since it's that plastic craft stuff, light would definitely get through.