I'm planning to set up a 20g long planted tank - low/mid light, low tech. No CO2 and likely no added fertilizers. This will be my first planted tank - not counting a tank with just a java fern.
I'm looking for suggestions on (affordable) lighting for this. I do already have the hood, which is 1x T8 fluorescent ~17W - if this would be enough light I'll just stick with that. But I'm guessing that is going to be too pathetically dim. I would like to stick in the low/mid light realm.
Stocking with sparkling gouramis, ricefish (Oryzias woworae), pygmy or habrosus cories, and cherry shrimp. These guys prefer calm water, so I don't want too much flow and will probably have some kind of floating plants in there as well. Would an Aquaclear 30 (150gph) be the right size for that plan? Or would I do better to get two Aquaclear 20s (100gph each)?
I'm looking for suggestions on (affordable) lighting for this. I do already have the hood, which is 1x T8 fluorescent ~17W - if this would be enough light I'll just stick with that. But I'm guessing that is going to be too pathetically dim. I would like to stick in the low/mid light realm.
Stocking with sparkling gouramis, ricefish (Oryzias woworae), pygmy or habrosus cories, and cherry shrimp. These guys prefer calm water, so I don't want too much flow and will probably have some kind of floating plants in there as well. Would an Aquaclear 30 (150gph) be the right size for that plan? Or would I do better to get two Aquaclear 20s (100gph each)?