Planted Fluval Spec Shrimp Tank


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
So I'm going to buy a Fluval Spec (2 Gallon / 7.5 Liters) Pico Tank. And was curious on others thoughts.

I plan on making this a planted shrimp (red cherry shrimp) tank (no not planting shrimp... I plant plants, and keep shrimp :p )

So How would you go about this... what plants would you use.... Say I want to create a plant carpet on the soil... which plant would be best and how do you go about that? I have some java moss in my other tank I was probably going to transplant.

I currently have seachem flourite dark gravel to use as substrate. And I Have a small 7.5 watt heater I'm going to put into the filter side of the tank.

So I guess my questions are this:

What Plants to keep?
What plant and how do I go about getting a carpet to grow?
Would Flourite substrate be fine, or would another be better?

Feb 22, 2012
afternoon lludu..... as a substrate for plant carpets in the tank, you will definatly needed to use sand.... you can use a wet pottery clay under the sand as it will insulate any mixture from the clay.... the main reason is the carpets need something like sand is because they need a strong root stock and the shrimp will enjoy a flat surface to pick up leftovers from there food..... hopeits a help... climbingperch