Planted my 5.5 gallon tank


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Well guys, today mama took me by the Local petstore and i bought 2 Corkscrews and 1 Anachoris and 1 Amazon Sword. The lady gave me an extra Anachoris that she thought was dead but just had new growth coming out so YAY extra lol. Can anyone give me any tips on how to Keep the Amazon Sword trimmed and the others. Here are some pictures of all of my plants now, the 2nd to last one is my Aponogetons i planted from bulbs, the last picture is my guppys, the alage eater wouldnt come unhiden long enough to photo.



Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
wow, it looks lovely! I think some smaller carpeting plants would look great too, just to add some visual interest with different heights. Your guppies are absolutely gorgeous! They look so sunny and happy. But what kind of algae eater do you have? Lots will do well in this type of setup, but just calling it an "Algae eater" worries me- often stores call it that, are selling -gasp- chinese algae eaters! I hope it's not a CAE. Post pics so we can help you ID it :) !


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Its a SAE-Siamese Algae eater. He is only in there temporarily, my mom had one when she had her 10 and wanted me to get one so i was like whatever -.- the lady at the register told her he would need a bigger tank and mom said i know so. If you look in Picture five under the bridge you can roughly see him

In about 2-3 weeks after exams, if i pass all my exams with an A i get $20 to spend at the petstore and im thinking of seeing if they have any Dwarf Hairgrass and also buying some liquid fertilizer of course then again i also might get fertilizer and a API Master Testkit, We'l see lol.

Also today me and mama was coming home from the fishstore with my plants and i said, "mama you do realize when we get my christmas tank that im going to try to talk you int...." she said" Into the biggest one you can, i know, well see what happens" lol. I am going just as big as she'l let me but i dont think il do over 55 gallons.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I'm glad the SAE is only temporary.....I personally think they are terrible fish (sorry SAE's) because they get so big and when larger are relatively aggressive to other fish.

I would buy the API Master Kit before liquid ferts. I only use Flourish excel on my tanks.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Thats exactly the fert's im talking about Achase :) I might get both, we'l have to see on what mama does, she said i can save that 20 and then get my allowance for the next week and go get it, i may do that, then my saving will begin for my big tank ;)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I think we're confusing siamese algae eaters and chinese algae eaters. What fishman has is a CHINESE algae eater if my memory serves me (the sucking kind, right fisman?). Siamese algae eaters are fantastic fish but just a bit too big for this size tank.

In terms of your plants, don't be surprised if your amazon sword melts. They tend to die off when put in new tanks and then grow from the base. I wouldn't trim the amazon sword other than removing dying leaves. The anacharis once it takes hold will go mad and you'll be trimming it constantly. The vals will probably do the same as the amazon sword but once established should be fine, and again I wouldn't trim other than dying leaves. Same applies for the aponogeton.

Also, since the test kit is a necessity and the ferts not so much, I'd buy the test kit first.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Oh no, i got the bad one, well at least he's still sweet as of right now, but he WILL BE leaving soon. My Swords have started to Melt and my Corkscrews dont look so hot either. My Aponogetons are still just growing like crazy and my Anacharis hasnt really changed any.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Well, CAE's are generally best avoided. My lfs has one in a huge 125g or so tank with a bunch of other monsters. This CAE is about a foot long, and just from watching him swim around the tank chasing everyone, I can't imagine one living with smaller fish o_o
These guys need HUGE tanks with HUGE tankmates- if any.
So I am glad he is only temp.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I am not fertilizing yet and i dont use CO2. I just got back from Rehoming my CAE to a friend with a 90 gallon African cichlid tank.

Some of the leaves on my corkscrew are dying so im going to go cut them off and my amazon sword is melting still :p


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I trimmed the dead and dying leaves off of everything today, My corkscrew actually sent up some new corkscrew shaped leaves lol and my Sword sent up some new leaves also, my Aponogetons seem to be the laced kind as there starting to turn laced. My Anacharis are greening on up and the few ones that werent lookin so great now have roots and everything. Everything is going good :)


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
dwarf whats?
I gotta tell ya, I used to get SO frustrated about plants... They would do amazing for a few days and then quickly die off, leaf by leaf.
Then, I started my paludarium, sucked it up and decided to do it right. Flourescent lights, ferts, co2 and my plants look amazing! Try it, it may seem like a lot of work, but it is soooooo worth it! :D