planted tank lighting questions


Small Fish
Oct 27, 2008
paisley, Ontario, Canada
Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with two 24 inch hoods, each of those have one 18 inch "F15T8" light. I would like to make the tank into a planted community tank and I cant seem to find 18 inch tubes with enough watts. 2-3 watts per gallon is what im hoping for. If anyone has any information on where I can buy some it would be greatly appreciated. Also any other suggestions are welcome.

Thanks :)


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
18 inch T-8 tube will always be 15 watts. Unfortunately, getting more light will mean getting a new fixture not just a new bulb. If only it were that easy, lol. I would suggest looking into T-5 HO lighting. 2x 54w T-5s would rock for what you are wanting to do. Compact fluorescents are also a popular choice. You might even be able to get away with one of the triple tube strips with 3x32w T-8s. A lot depends on what you plan on growing, and how involved in planted tanks you wish to get.

One thing to remember though. With increased lighting comes increased demand for CO2 and nutrients. Lots of light without those and you will grow lots of algae.


Small Fish
Oct 27, 2008
paisley, Ontario, Canada
thanks alot for the info. but since I cant just go the easy way and get new bulbs think I will wait for a while before I dive into the planted theme. I just bought the tank so I think I will get it up and cycled them put some fish in it and when I get enogh money I will invest in the T5 system. Now the next task what fish do i put in it? it will be a community tank for sure, probably some tetra's but other than that i dont no.