planted tank with ick... help


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
okay, I realize now I had made an error introducing some juvenile clowns to my 70 gallon. they had died, and I didn't think of ick, well... now I'm noticing it on several of my fish:(
the problem is I have java moss and a lot of other plants in there, some java ferns, alot of sword plants and some temple plants. What on earth can I do to fight the ick and save my poor fish??? I know a lot of medications cannot even be used in a planted tank, I'm getting my temp up to 85 as we speak, but is there anything else I can do??

Mar 6, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Sure there is stuff you can do. I just had ick in my planted tank and none of my plants died. I had 2 loaches that died, but anyway i treated my tank at half dosage for one week with a water change on the 4th day and then re treated the water after my water change. Remember to remove all of you media except the sponge, and once you are done put all new media in the filter. note water change was roughly 30%