plants and cycling


Medium Fish
Nov 28, 2005
Brussels, Belgium
ive been reading the very usefull information on this site and have learned so much.

one thing is still not clear to me - at what stage should plants be added to a cycling tank? or more generally, what effects do plants have on the cycling process?

right now im planning on adding them right from the start as its easier to plant when the tank is half filed


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It is a good idea. Plants are going to affect what goes on in a couple ways

1. Plants will absorb nitrates when your nitroogen cyccle starts to produce them as it's likely end product.
2. Your cycle will go faster. Most people spend some time cycling as they are waiting for enough, or any bacteria to arrive thro' airborne spores. You can speed a cycle with biospira or whatever - you're 'buying in' a bunch of bacteria. However as a plant will have come from another tank it will very, very likely come with a bunch of bacteria sticking to it.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
I'll tell you my experiences so far. I planted my tank light-to-moderately about 3 days before I added any fish. Started with 2 pearl gourami and 6 phantom tetras. Tested every single day and never saw any ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. 10 days later, I added five rainbow fish, and 4 yoyo loaches. Still testing daily and still coming up 0,0,0. Finally added 5 ottos for some algae control. In short, I have tested at least once a day for a month now, and I have not seen any ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate at all. Test kit is O.K. as I use it on other tanks.

Actually, it is a little distressing, since I have no idea where in the world I am at with a cycle. I have not been sparing on the food either. I did place a used filter cartridge (from my other tank) in the corner of the tank for a week or so as well. All my plants seem to be doing alright, as do the fish


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Yeah.Stick 'em in.Like Wayne said they will carry (hopefully) some beneficial bacteria into your tank.They will also make your fish more relaxed and give them somewhere to hide behind.Start with some simple plants like Egeria or Ambulia that are hardy.