Plants for sale


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I will have these plants available for shipment July 5 or 6 (listed in order of availability):

Heteranthera Zosterifolia (stargrass)
Hygrophila difformis (wisteria)
Micranthemum micranthemoises (pearlweed)
Hydrocotyle leucocephala (pennywort)
Rotalla rotundifolia (this is not the dark orange/red "indica" plant, but gorgeous nonetheless with pink/orange tips)

Baby Echinodorus bleheri (amazon sword)
Cryptocoryne lutea
Valisneria americana (jungle val)

First come, first serve. Paypal payment assures you the plants you want. Portions are generous and algae free; you can't get much better--and that I garauntee. All plants are grown in a high light, high nutrient, and CO2 enriched enviornment. I only sell plants that are of the finest submerged quality, so if you think you are getting plants like that mush you get at online plant joints, guess again.

Price: $1 per plant species and bunch (this really covers gas)
Shipping: $5 USPS Priority (2-day) or $15 USPS Overnight. There will be no plant charge for overnight service, so all you pay is $15 (limit 2 bunches per plant, no plant species limit, add $1 for each additional bunch). It is hot here, like 100 degree hot, so take your chances.

Example: You want 2 bunches of pearlgrass and 1 bunch of wisteria. That would be $3 + $5 USPS Priority shipping ($8 total), or only $15 with USPS Overnight shipping.

Got a question(s)? Want pics of the plants you want? Don't hesitate to PM me! My PayPal info is: You can email the same addy if you wish.
