Plants for sale

getting rid of some plants so if you're looking for najas grass heres my auction on aquabid :)

I am also giving away some dwarf hairgrass so if you want it pm me but i need to see if my friends want some of it first :) most likey they wont cause i'll tell them its a harder plant to raise :). If you want it you'll have to pay for shipping which is gonna be $4 through paypal and if no one wants it by this comming Sunday i might throw it away. Heres a picture of it and i am giving all of it away so whatever you see in the picture-
and if you want, for an extra dollar i can give you a clipping of either green hygro, giant bacopa, ludwigia repens, or an apanogeton bulb (the ones from walmart) and for $2 you can choose 2 and for $3 i'll give you all of them but you have to be the one who is recieving the dwarf hairgrass. Oh and i'll stick some hornwort in there, they grow fast :)

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