I'm looking for some ludwigia repens, cryptocoryne wendtii, cryptocoryne spiralis, sagittaria subulata, valisneria spiralis, marsilea quadrifolia and some type of moss. If anyone has these to sell, let me know. Thanks
I am also looking for green hygro, guppy grass, willow moss, cryptocoryne walkeri, marsilea minuta, hemianthus callitrichoides, e. tennellus, rotala rotundifolia and wisteria.
I finally placed the JM in the tank.
There is less than what I had imagined.
At the current time there is not enough JM to distribute.
The only thing I have is anacharis and Bandito has claimed some of it.
Too bad it's not so cold. I've got a TON of guppy grass and some type of moss (not java, maybe Christmas moss??). Also have a few crypts. Maybe when it warms up remind me and I can get them to you for the cost of shipping. I'd just hate to ship them out right now and have them freeze.