plastic decoration lovers, i need your help!

Oct 22, 2002
ok so i set up a low maintenance freshwater community aquarium for my Sa Bum Nim (instructor) at the DoJang, and it's all neato and low maintenance ... but it lacks one thing, that's very important.

Hehe, it's a curious thing, but he *really* wants a sunken pirate ship - a somewhat realistic looking one without gaudy neon colors (yes, i know, moot point when adding plastic decorations, but it's his aquarium so he gets to do whatever he wants). Lastly, he wants one that has the treasure chest and gold spilling out. Because the pirate lost his gold.

So, does anyone have a link to online or a lead on a place in RL that has a somewhat realistic looking treasure ship with gold spilling out?

I went to all the big chain stores and all the little mom n' pop stores in my city and everything . I've looked all over online, but perhaps one of you knows a place I don't?

I would really appreciate your help, as I want to make it perfect for my instructor!

Thanks in advance,


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
Visit site
Well, it's difficult to paste the link here, but go to:
select "shop from us" (assuming you are)
click "decorations and ornaments" on the left
click "aerating ornaments" on the top
scroll down near the bottom of the first page of selections

It's referred to as "PP Sunken Ship-Treasures" for 7.99. It might be what you're looking for.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Hmmm... Best I can suggest, is to go to the hobby shop, buy a boat kit that meets his needs, assemble it, use a epoxy based paint to seal all the wood (make sure you cover everything) add weights to get it to sink in a way you like (on its side or whatever). Voila...