Platies, Swordtails, Mollies ... oh, my?!

I have a 12g Eclipse, established for nearly three months. So far I've had two lyretail swordtails, two balloon-bellied mollies and three platies all die w/i three weeks of their purchase. Half were from Petco or Petsmart, the other from my LFS down the street.

Funky part is that the three original guppies are doing fine, as well as the original dwarf neon gourami (of which was supposed to be the most sensitive of the beasties). Water parameters are fine.



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Any signs of disease or stress? Maybe harrasment from the other fish?

But like Valdok said it could be where you got them from. Some petcos and Petsmarts arent exactly the greatest place and usually have diseased or unhealthy fish.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Santa Barbara, California
i got my fish from petco and petsmart as well as local. i also used Eclipse system 12. they are fine. if they die within 3 weeks, before you blame the stores, i'd pay close attention to what you have, i mean everything, your set up, water (recheck it again), temp, etc.
i started with 3 platies, i ended up with 10. the platies are from local store, the rest are from petco/petsmart.