Platinum Gourami

Aug 6, 2007
I have a platinum gourami that is currently around 2 inches in a 29 gal. I'm working on stocking my tank and I was just wondering if I could add some rasboras or hatchetfish in with him or if they would become lunch in short order when he gets bigger. He seems pretty calm now, but I've never had a gourami that wasn't a dwarf gourami before. If he'll eat them, I'm thinking of putting him in my other tank with my giant danio, pictus cat, tiger barb (this barb is 2-3 years old and doesn't like the company of other tiger barbs and schools with the loaches) and 2 loaches.

Just trying to see my options and wondering what you all think *SUNSMILE*

Jul 17, 2007
Omaha, NE
that should work fine. gouramis are often kept with little neon or cardinal tetras, and they don't eat them. Maybe sp. Giant Gourami would eat a small fish like a neon, but you should be OK.

Aug 6, 2007
Thanks for the reply! The fish store I bought him from had said not to put a gourami other than a dwarf gourami with neons and rasboras because they would definitely get eaten. I had seen other people with small fish and gouramis in their tanks, but didn't know if that only worked while the gouramis stayed small. I just decided to ask around first for other opinions since the people telling me they would definitely get eaten were the same people who I've heard tell people it's ok to put three columbian sharks in a 10 gal tank, that common plecos won't get bigger than 3 inches, and other such nonsense.