Platnium Gouramis?


Superstar Fish
Beautiful fish. They get a LOT prettier when they are bigger and healthier than when in the LFS. Mine has an abominable attitude towards other gouramis (but gouramis are so individual - others might be fine like my pearls).

get to about 5"
Mine greatly prefers a planted tank
Eats like a hog

(Have you seen moonlight gouramis? those are pretty neat too!:))

PS - they are PlaTINum gouramis :p

wow, interesting, they look so amazing how they have those irridescenty spots...

ah platinum platnium, it doesnt matter that much ;) ya wanna fight leopardess! lets fight! right here right now! lol

FINE platinum, ANYWAYS, the ones at the store were like....3-4 inches, so they were pretty big. how do you sex them? since ive only read up on pearl sexing, i am confuzzled by this new species, it is foreign to me, after all, this IS the first time i've ever seen or heard of them!

yes ive seen the moonlights. they look like a silvery version of blue gouramis, at least to me! but they get too large for me. well, at least they dont get nearly as large as giant gouramis! :D

maybe, ill get a pair of platinums and breed them :D


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
ive never seen a platinum gourami, but when i went to the SW/FW lfs the other day i saw a 10" and a 6" kissing gourami (with a gold, a blue, 2 opaline, and 3 sunset dwarfs, lots of females im guessing.:D)

one of the coolest gouramis ive seen hehehe, it was huge! i thought it was an albino oscar at first hehe.:D

well, i can tell you this, platinum gouramis look AMAZING! in my i just spent an hour looking for a picture for you, and this is the only one i found with platinums gouramis!

well, its just a very shiny and whitey (lol, whitey) gouramis, sorta like gold gouramis but more white