plattie fry x9... dilemma


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
high a slight problem here...
i have six beautiful platties in my new 40[imp] tank...
all females...on no offspring i thought... was pregnant...i now have at least 9 fry...
i don't want a tank full of what to do...

is there any way to sort this out...
without resorting to ... angel fish ... :(

since livebearer females have the ability to 'store' sperm, you most likley purchased impregnated females. So you may end up with a few more fry, but not many. I'd say just leave it, let the fry survive as best they can and then when they get bigger talk to your loacl pet shops and see if anyone will take them for store credit.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
twoluvcats said:
since livebearer females have the ability to 'store' sperm, you most likley purchased impregnated females. So you may end up with a few more fry, but not many. I'd say just leave it, let the fry survive as best they can and then when they get bigger talk to your loacl pet shops and see if anyone will take them for store credit.
chears...thought of that...but how long does it take for them to mature...
my lfs will take them back [for credit] when they are adults...
but they will be of mixed they could breed...
and i could end up knee deep in platties...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

my female guppies are constantly throwing fry in my 10g and 1) they tend to be mostly female and 2) fry that are not separated into thier own tank do not tend to have as many survive in the long run (that's why livebearers breed so fast and so many, only a small percentage of the fry actually survive in the wild)...i've had that tank up and full of females for almost 8 mo now and I only have a couple more guppies than i started with...I really don't think you'll be knee-deep anytime soon. :)

You should be able to foist them off on your LFS when they are about 3mo old...and in theory they should not reporduce before then. (Platies reach sexual maturity later than guppies)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
What else are you planning to add to this tank again? They might do the trick also in the long run. ;) I'd just let the wee ones fend for themselves, your population shouldn't grow too fast and, if it does, you do have some options.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Seleya said:
What else are you planning to add to this tank again? They might do the trick also in the long run. ;) I'd just let the wee ones fend for themselves, your population shouldn't grow too fast and, if it does, you do have some options.
hey dude...i think you got the info on another thread... :)
i'll wait and see how the fry fare...
thank's for your interest in my dilemma...
mft has been invaluable in my quest for a happy tank... :):):)


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
In my experience, all 20 of my Platy fry were female, so I doubt you'll have trouble with them breeding ;) Dunno if you'll get lucky and get a male, but still, there are usually more female. I heard somewhere that they don't mature until around they're around 6 months old. By then, they should be big enough to trade to your LFS. :)


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
PlecoCollector said:
In my experience, all 20 of my Platy fry were female, so I doubt you'll have trouble with them breeding ;) Dunno if you'll get lucky and get a male, but still, there are usually more female. I heard somewhere that they don't mature until around they're around 6 months old. By then, they should be big enough to trade to your LFS. :)
cool...i'm going to transfer them to a 2.5 gallon tank...
when i can catch the little buggas... :)