So I had the 3 platys in with the male betta and 5 corys. It didnt end up working out between the betta and platys as the poor betta was getting nipped at i only noticed it during feeding time one just went at his tail. I took all 3 of them out straight away (just to be safe) and put them back into the 20g brackish tank. Poor Buzz Lightyear the betta wasnt very happy sharing the tank with them anway. He was in a much smaller tank on his own while i was waiting on his tank to be ready and was much happier making his little bubble nest. Hopefully he settles in now with just the corys. I realy wanted to have something else in the tank too if anyone has any ideas? if not and its best for him to be on his own with the corys thats fine too
As for the brackish tank I have 5 bumble bee gobys on the way should arrive this week sometime. I didnt plan on having the platys back in there so with the bees in there as well as the platys and molly my tank will be fully stocked lucky i ordered the aquaclear50 to use instead of my smaller filter, the extra filteration should help.
I also have an empty 14g long tank im going to set up for a fry(or if i end up needing it) tank and also i want to try and propergate some plants from the ones i already have in the other tanks. So thats my update would love your sugestions on what i should do with the betta and cory tank if theres anything that will most definatly be fine with him?
As for the brackish tank I have 5 bumble bee gobys on the way should arrive this week sometime. I didnt plan on having the platys back in there so with the bees in there as well as the platys and molly my tank will be fully stocked lucky i ordered the aquaclear50 to use instead of my smaller filter, the extra filteration should help.
I also have an empty 14g long tank im going to set up for a fry(or if i end up needing it) tank and also i want to try and propergate some plants from the ones i already have in the other tanks. So thats my update would love your sugestions on what i should do with the betta and cory tank if theres anything that will most definatly be fine with him?
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