Platy behavior

Jul 17, 2016

I have 5 platies and I think there are 2 females and 3 males (I know this isn't a proper ratio). It seems that 2 males are harassing one of the females who recently gave birth on July 9th. They won't leave her alone. Why are they doing this? Should I separate her from the others? We just set up a 55 gal tank and moved all fish (5 platies and 3 neon tetras) from the smaller 10 gal tank. The fry stayed behind in the 10 gal tank. Are they carving out territories? The tetras and platies tend to leave each other alone. This is not Platy on Platy bullying lol. Should I be concerned?

Jul 4, 2016
Yes, you should be concerned... Having that ratio is practically a death sentence for the females. You'd need to add 4 more females to have the correct ratio. What Id do instead of putting the female in the breeder, is to get two-four boxes for the males. This is only a very temporary solution, I suggest either giving all but one male away, or the females. If you give the females away you will not have anymore fry to be concerned about.