Platy Fry

Dec 19, 2009
NW London
Well after a disasterious start to my fish keeping escapades, I now have several baby platies, and I think that mum has just had another batch of babies!
Thanks to everyone who saved my fish and gave me the chance to have little un's! Just wondered what the survival rates are for them, they are in a 30 gallon tank with 3 cories, 4 full grown platies and 5 harlequin rasboras.

Im not too bothered as natural selection will take place, just a slight worried as tank stock levels will be so high if they survive. I know of 4 from first birth...seen 3 from new birth...thats 7 in total, making it 11 platies!! Im sure thats far too many for the tank. I never wanted that many! Happy days...*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Out of all the platy fry my four girls have dropped since I got them right before Christmas, only two have survived and those two were because I found them and put them in their own tank until they were big enough not to be eaten. I did find a dozen when I tore down my 20gH that were hiding in the gravel (I have larger pea gravel, so there were spaces for them to hide in), but all of them have since died except one I gave to the girl who bought one of my 10gal tanks.

Dec 19, 2009
NW London
Thanks everyone, it appears that 3 fish have survived the first union, and are doing really well, feeding and growing (im kind of getting attatched!). Now I have counted 8 new ones...didnt realise that they had so many at one time. What is the likelyhood of local fish shops taking the survivours? As I havnt had any previous experiance with this. I have a 9 gallon tank I intend to use as a nursery untill they grow a little. Any tips?

thanks in advance


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
just call the fish shops and ask them. they will tell you straight up if they want them or not. very rarely will you get credit. a female platy will have around 20-60 babies at one time.

Dec 20, 2009
Yeah, call and they might give you a buck a piece. My girlfriend recently had to give away some otos and they wanted to give us a dollar per fish. I ended up talking them into giving me one Giant Columbian Ramshorn snail priced at $10, and another snail that kinda looks like an assassin snail but solid whiteish/gray going for $3. HAHAHA Victory was mine!..That day.