Platy help please!

Oct 18, 2007
Hello friends :)

I have 3 Platys, they like to roll together *twirlysmi hehe

Anyway i was wondering about their fins. I have had them for about a month and i have never seen them chase eachother. One (a female) looks very healthy. Her fins are always spiked up and beautiful.

Another (a male) his fins are perfect but they are always down and he never spreads them, is he sick?

And the last (Female) her fins are spiked up and good, but her back fin seems looks like it has been nipped at. It has looked like that since i got her, but it doesnt seem to get better. Could the male be nipping at her still behind my back?

Thanks for any help :)

They are in a 10 gallon tank with live plants well cycled Ph is good and everything checks out.

I am feeding them a balance of flakes and bloodworms.
I give them 12 hours of light, and a dark red light at night time.
I have one tiny tiny algae eater in with them, not even 1/2 inch long little guy.
And i have 1 male Betta in with them. (i keep a betta in all my tanks) He leaves them alone never has messed with them and i watch them a lot to make sure.

Thanks in advance for any help *SUNSMILE*


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
When you say "well cycled" what are your parameter readings exactly? If the fin has been too damaged, it will not grow back. Fins will generally improve with good water quality. If something is nipping in the tank, it could be the male platy, but I would be suspicious of your male betta. They will take nips of other fish, even when you're not watching.