Platy illness

Apr 25, 2006
My platy is fine one minute then sitting on the bottom and rubbing against rocks the next. There is two tiny spots on his tail that are suspicious. He is holding his fins against himself a bit. Sugestions/ solutions? If I medicate can I do the entire tank?

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LilBlueLobster said:
My platy is fine one minute then sitting on the bottom and rubbing against rocks the next. There is two tiny spots on his tail that are suspicious. He is holding his fins against himself a bit. Sugestions/ solutions? If I medicate can I do the entire tank?
Yeah, sounds like Ich.

Hopefully it's not too advanced yet...but if your platy is scratching, it may be. In either case, here's what you can do...

If you have a hospital/quarantine tank, transfer your platy into it, and medicate with Ick Guard (one teaspoon to 10 gallons) once a day for about a week should do it.

If you don't have the spare tank set up already, then remove your carbon/charcoal from your main tank's filter and medicate the tank with Ick Guard (same formula as above). Once the Ick is cleared up, you can either put the Carbon back in to remove the medication, or do what it seems most people do, and that's leave the carbon out and just do a water change to help remove the medication.

Keep an eye on your other fish to make sure they aren't coming down with it as well.