Platy on a Breeding Spree!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I found out that my other Platy, a Mickey Mouse Platy, is pregnant. I'm very happy but I already have a pregnant female who's in my Breeder Net. My male Platy is still trying to mate with Lily and he's driving both of us insane!! She's getting stressed out and I'm worried about her live and the babies' lives. What can I do (besides getting a tank divider) to stop him or at least separate him? IAre there any DIY Projects that can help me with this problem? Maybe like "How to make a breeder box" or something like that? I can find anything!! *sobs* I've just about had it with him and I'm ready to take my big coarse net and put him in it!! The net is probably big enough to put a Black Moore into (the small 5'' ones at the fish stores).

Oct 29, 2010
It isn't a good idea to put a pregnant female in a breeding net - they may become stressed enough to miscarry.

Is it possible for you to put her into the cycled fry tank until she gives birth, and then remove her when she is done? If necessary, the male platy could be placed in the breeding net at that point :)

Congrats on the fry! How exciting :D


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, I guess I could. But she seems fine right now and lol cuz she literally started giving birth 7 minutes ago. I'm sitting right by the aquarium on my laptop watching her and posting. lol. I'm also trying to get a video on here to post!!