Platy Tank Companions?


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2012
So I have a ten gallon tank that's been established for about two months now. It currently houses two one inch platies. I was wondering what would go well with my current fish, would fit, and wouldn't nip other fish's fins. I was also wondering what other aquatic animals; ADFs, shrimps and snails, could live with my current fish and new possible fish. What will fit?
Thanks! :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I think platys pretty much get along with anything. I've got two mickey-mouse platys in my 55g along with a variety of other fish. Never see an issue. They're like happy little puppy dogs. They do put quite the bio-load on your tank though (poop a LOT). For that reason, I wouldn't have more than two in a 10g for sure.

You could maybe try a dwarf gourami, male or female betta, or a mollie as a tank mate. Could also do a group (maybe 3-4) of small corydoras.

Shrimp or snails shouldn't be an issue. I've never noticed my playts pick on the ghost shrimp that are in the tank with them.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You don't have a lot of room in a 10g tank, but a betta would work nicely. Also there are so many different colors of platys that you could shop around for those - they seem to come and go at the LFS. I have had some green-blue ones and right now I have some tuxedo ones that are greenish with a black sides. Two otos would work if the tank is established enough for algae and there are also neons.