Platy trouble


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2007
Hi.....New here. I am worried about my female platy. My male won't leave her alone. I know they are mating if the male is following her around and won't go to far from her but my male is doing this along with trying to bite the female. I am afraid he is going to kill her and thought about seperating them. Should I do this? I do have another female and he don't bother her hardly at all. What should I do?

So let me get this traight, one male 2 female? if so, then take the one that is being bothered into another tank for a day or so, the male will then turn to the other female, and when he shows interest in her, bring the other one back in, this way whne he gets rejected by one, he can go for the other. Right now he has "tunnel vision", haha. But if he doesnt leave her alone, take her out, because she could die from being harassed all the time.