Please advise

Oct 16, 2007
Going to do first time nano. Def going to use LR, would love coral but cost dependant.
I currently have a 10g starter kit from walmart I had laying around as a gift. My question is am I better off getting a quality heater, quality filter, light fixture (bc the ones that come with it are prolly not good enough) or am I that much better to buy a biocube? If suggest towards getting accessories vs biocube, please elaborate on why and what is suggested. Everyone's input is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
some corals if your luck cost less then the fish.

if u can get your hands on a biocube then by all means go for it.
wish i did....

it cost me a lot to start my first 10g (mainly cuz i wanted to upgrade)

but at the end all u really need is a

testing supplys (ammo,nitrite,nitrate,pH)

good power heads (2 on both sides are the best)

light for a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) anything is fine (i would recommend
getting thos 15w florescent lights but its up to u.)

live rock

heater (if your room temperature is lower then 78 degrees all the time)

or a PC fan (if your room temperature is higher then 80 degrees all the time)

i got both since in the bayarea we get temperature ranging from 30-100 =/

Thermometer is a must have
refractometer for the greatest hydrometer was off my .005 SG which is a lot...

or u can go here for a more better list...