Everyone, for the sake of your fish, check your heater/temperature DAILY, as part of routine maintenance! I lost 4 cory cats due to a faulty heater sticking in the open position in my 17-gallon. This is only the 2nd time in 20 years I've had this kind of equip. problem. It's easy to grow complacent and not think too much about a heater - it's there, it works, I just kind of take it for granted. I've been pretty busy lately and have just been feeding my fish and not really paying too much attention, until to my suprise my cats were dying. The Angel and 2 loaches survived the 95+ degree heat, but I feel REALLY bad, a special favorite of mine was a 1-eyed leopard cory with a lot of personality...if only I had paid more attention... I don't mean to sound preachy, I just thought I'd issue a heads up on heater checks. Thanks for reading!