We have had a one gallon tank with an air pump and UGF running for over 6 weeks now which had two male guppies. Two weeks ago we added some anacharis cuttings. We never had algae. I thought all was well but borrowed a test kit from an aquarist at work to check water quality. Good news: low nitrates. Bad news: high ammonia!! Saturday, I did a 25% water change and vacuumed the gravel, found a lot of uneaten flakes in the gravel. I thought this was the problem, and added two ghost shrimp to the tank to help clean it. Did water changes Sun and Mon, but yesterday the smaller guppy turned up dead. He was fished out yesterday afternoon, last night I tested for ammonia and it was still high. I did another change last night. Can anyone please give me some advise as to what else to do? I notice after suctioning the old water out and pouring in the new a lot of very small stuff gets stirred up out of the gravel and floats around for awhile before settling down again. Is this guppy poop? It seems to small for me to get out with a net - is this part of the problem? Thanks for any help you can give me.