PLEASE HELP! I have another Ich outbreak...


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Okay, I thought I had gotten rid of all the Ich. I have been Ich free for almost three months or so, but it's back... =(

If I can't get something done soon, I'm going to have to give up on this fish thing. I've invested SO much money, and the fish keep dying. =( I am getting beyond frustrated! (Sorry for the vent!)

I came home tonight, and it looks like all five of my Neon Tetras have Ich. I've put all the Neons in quarentine. I do not see any signs of Ich on the other fish. I left the others in the tank. I medicated everything... I'm afraid this might be bad for the poor snail... Should I medicate both tanks?

Please advise! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Mar 26, 2006
Ich spreads fast, so you need to get a hold on this soon. Dont waste time with a water change. Medicate now the tank you are going to use. Some meds might turn your water green, but thats the cost of admission lol!!

Relax, stay calm, and good luck!!*thumbsups

I dont know anything about snails though, sorry:(


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Thanks for the fast reply!

Everything is medicated and blue. =P

It looks like one if the fish in the main tank has a few little spots, but he's not covered like the Neons. I'll try to leave him in there I suppose and see how he does... I really like that particular fish.


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Thanks for the advice! I just added some more aquarium salt to the tank (away from the snail of course... =P). I'm hoping this will all help. I've not had a fish to live an Ich outbreak yet. It's beginning to be rather discouraging.

Thank you again for the advice! Hopefully all my little fishies will survive!

I hear ya on the discouraging part. Really sucks when ya see all yer hard work and money go down the Terlet. I started up a Saltwater Tank about 3 months ago and I have been busting my A$$ keeping it. Just when ya think things are going great.... BOOM another disaster...I had an anemone get sucked up in a power head last week.... Knocked my parameters thru the roof. I had to COMPLETELY tear my reef apart to make sure I got all the body parts. :( So I know how you feel.
Good Luck,


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Wow. That is terrible about your salt water tank! =( I hope it gets up and running perfectly!

It's funny. I do great with pets, dogs and lizards, but these fish are killing me!

Good luck, and thanks for the encouragement!


Small Fish
May 7, 2006
St.Thomas, Ont
yes use medication on both the tanks try emptying both tanks and cleaning them with aquarium salt and clean all other ornaments and gravel with it also to ensure that nothing is left uncleaned and if you have intorduced new fish into the tank recently it may be that the fish had it in the pet store but didnt show signs of it rite away


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Well, I have 5 dead so far (all the Neons). I will clean the tank ornaments really good. Hopefully today. The last time, I cleaned everything with boiling hot water. I hope the other three fish survive!

Thanks a lot for the advice!


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Okay, it looks like the Ich is off of the one fish (or most of it anyway), and the other two fish still appear uneffected. I could only see it on the tips of his tail last night. The temperature is around 80.

I took all of the ornaments out, and I am about to give them a good cleaning. Should I wait until the tank is Ich free before adding the ornaments back in the tank? I don't want to put more stress on the fish since they have no where to hide.

I am also keeping the light turned off since I heard Ich goes thru its cycle fast in the dark...

That article is great I'm part of cichlid-forum too love it ... very useful ... I have an oscar ...
Anyways I would suggest you raise the temp and add salt .... the temp should be in the low to mid 80s like 80-85!
and 1 thing ... dont stop the treatment right after you see it gone you need to keep treating for like almost a wk after visable signs are gone! Def read the article on the cichlid forum ... you might have to sign up if it doesnt show ...not sure ...but def worth signing up its a great forum too!