Please help ID these "Juli" cory cats

I've been thinking about attempting to breed some cory cats but didn't want to go with the plain ole bronze cories. About six months ago I purchased four cories sold under the name "Juli Cory". Today I went to a fish store and bought four more cories that looked to be the same kind but sold as "Elegan Cory". I'm not even sure the price tag refered to them, as it was on a tank three spaces away, but I paid for them as elegans. ($2.29 ea. if you were wondering).
I figured I ought to get these additional ones so that I could definitely ID some males and females and get them to spawn. I placed them into the tank with the others (a 135g community tank, I'm not ready to spawn them yet). Everyone seemed to get along fine and they soon formed a friendly little pod.
Then I noticed something. They four originals had a black spot on their dorsel fin while the new ones did not. The new ones also seemed to have barbels that stuck out a little more than the ones I had first.
Here are some pictures of them side by side:

After looking at several pictures and comparing them to my fish I've come to this conclusion:
The ones with the black dorsel fin are Corydoras trilineatus or reticulatus probably the first.
The others are Corydoras sodalis or haraldschultzi also probably the first.

What is your opinion on their identification?
Will different kinds of cories cross breed?
Are either of these types of cories easier or harder to breed?
Does anyone out there have experience with either of these types of cories?

Thanks for your input.

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
You are probably correct with the naming of the one's with the black spot on the dorsal fin. I have 5 of those in my 29gal and they were sold as "leopard corys". I believe that they are indeed "julii" after looking at the "planetcatfish" web site.

Good luck when you attempt to spawn them.