Hi everybody! I know I posted about stocking a few weeks ago, but now I have some more concrete ideas and need help with decision making. I have a 20 gallon high tank with 4 zebra danios, and I need help stocking. There will definitely be 2 more zebra danios added for a school of 6, and then here are my ideas for what to go with them:
Idea 1:
X cherry barbs (not sure how many...some sources say only a pair, others a school)
4 cories (not sure what species yet)/1 dwarf gourami
Idea 2:
5-6 tetras (maybe neons?)
1 dwarf gourami/2 honey gouramis/4 cories/3 mollies/3 platies
Idea 3:
1 molly (unless it would be lonely)
5-6 tetras
Idea 4:
3 mollies/3 platies
4 cories
Idea 5:
1 dwarf gourami
4 cories
As you can probably tell, these are just different arrangements of the same few species of fish. The / indicates "or", meaning that fish would be instead of the others with it. Pretty much, I like: tetras (I'm not sure what species I would get yet), dwarf gouramis & honey gouramis, mollies, platies, corydoras, and cherry barbs. One concern I have is that my pH is a little high at 7.8, so the tetras may not work. Also, the tank does heat up a bit in the summer because there's no air conditioning in my house, and is cooler during the winter. Oh, and the tank is cycled and has been set up for 1.5 years. Sorry this is kind of confusing, but I want so many fish! I realize they won't all fit, of course.
Other suggestions are welcome as well. I would like this to be a community tank, though.
Thank you in advance for all advice!
Idea 1:
X cherry barbs (not sure how many...some sources say only a pair, others a school)
4 cories (not sure what species yet)/1 dwarf gourami
Idea 2:
5-6 tetras (maybe neons?)
1 dwarf gourami/2 honey gouramis/4 cories/3 mollies/3 platies
Idea 3:
1 molly (unless it would be lonely)
5-6 tetras
Idea 4:
3 mollies/3 platies
4 cories
Idea 5:
1 dwarf gourami
4 cories
As you can probably tell, these are just different arrangements of the same few species of fish. The / indicates "or", meaning that fish would be instead of the others with it. Pretty much, I like: tetras (I'm not sure what species I would get yet), dwarf gouramis & honey gouramis, mollies, platies, corydoras, and cherry barbs. One concern I have is that my pH is a little high at 7.8, so the tetras may not work. Also, the tank does heat up a bit in the summer because there's no air conditioning in my house, and is cooler during the winter. Oh, and the tank is cycled and has been set up for 1.5 years. Sorry this is kind of confusing, but I want so many fish! I realize they won't all fit, of course.
Other suggestions are welcome as well. I would like this to be a community tank, though.
Thank you in advance for all advice!