Please help my dwarf gourami!!!


Small Fish
Sep 11, 2003
Visit site
i recently bought 2 male dwarf gouramis and put them in my community tank with 2 platys, 3 zebra danios, 2 cherry barbs, 2 glowlite tetras, 2 dalmation mollies and 2 guppys. for a few days the gouramis were peaceful but today one of them has started bullying the other one and nipping it all the time. i want 2 take the nasty one out of the tank but i don't know where 2 put it until i can take it back 2 the shop. i don't have another tank. Will it survive in a glass jar??

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
Bubble secure an area on your tank to keep the gourami in.Use your net ,put the fish in it where it cant escape into the surrounding tank.Push comes to shove.........submerge a plastic collander (the thing you use to strain noodles) making sure the edge doesnt allow the fish to escape into the tank.The gourami will probably die in a jar.