PLEASE HELP - New Tiger Barb not really swimming_just got him 2 hours ago


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada

Last week, we lost our tiger barb. We found out that our ammonia levels were high in our new tank and thought we fixed the problem, regular water changes, etc. Our catfish and other tiger barb are fine.

Bought the new fish today, floated the baggie in the water for 15 minutes and let the fish out. He seems to be swimming in one spot with only his back fin moving, mostly at the bottom, and when he moves, the other tiger barb chases him. Not sure if this is normal behavior.

The tiger barb does not bother with the catfish.

Not sure what is going on and could really use some advice. My 6 year old will be crushed if something happens to this guy. He doesn't seem to be swimming like our other fish.

Just checked the ammonia levels and looks like it is between 0 and .25 (liquid test)


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
He might just be getting used to his surroundings. Tiger barbs can show aggression if not kept in groups. I think they told me I needed at least 5 to cut down on the "teasing" I would just watch him. What pet store did you get him frmo? Most have some sort of return policy. If he dies I would take him back to the pet store quickly and get another one before your kiddo notices. :) He could've been sick when you got him. Good luck.



Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
Sounds like you haven't cycled your tank yet. Yes, you may have dropped the amonia levels, but until the tank is cycled, the amonia will continue to rise and harm/kill the fish. Read Miss Fishy's guide to cycling. It has everything you need without anyone having to post a short version of how-to's.

Also, when you do get your tank cycled, think about a few small fish and find another home for your cat. If it's just a channel cat or another cat that gets HUGE, then 10g will not be enough for it. Barbs won't do too well in a 10g becuase they love to school and need rom to swim. A betta, a few ADF's, OR some small tetras might do a little better in your 10g. Not sure of any other suggestions off the top of my head. Hope this helps! :)


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Thanks Staci,

He seems to be okay and swimming fine when being chased, but is getting chased around pretty good. He might me a bit nervous is all.

I bought him from a local pet store here where I live.

Thanks again - I really appreciate it.


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
I agree with Lady Lail though. Your tank might be a little small for tiger barbs. When I got mine I think it said minimum 20g. Mine swim all over the place. I also agree that you might want to find a new home for the catfish. How big is "fat cat"?


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Glad you like the avatar. It's one of the best pictures I have ever taken of my son - I'm sure the people in the Disney store weren't as happy ... but we did clean them up afterwards :)

Fat cat is really small. That was just my son's name for him. The others are Super Mario Brothers characters.


Small Fish
Jul 17, 2009
Glen Burnie, MD
Another thing to consider for future additions to the tank. Floating the bag in the water for 15 mins just adjusts the water temp in the bag. Releasing the fish immediately after the first 15 mins is up doesn't give the fish a chance to adjust to the water parameters in your tank.

Float the bag for 15 mins yes, but then, in 1/4 cup measures, add a little tank water to the bag, giving about 15 mins iin between each addition. After 15 mins has passed after the first half cup, drain half of the water out of the bag in the sink (never back into your tank). Repeat the water addition for two more cycles. This means your total acclimation time is going to last an hour and 15 minutes. Once the final 15 mins is up, THEN gently net out the fish and release into the tank. To avoid getting the concentrated fish waste from the bag in your tank, do not drain the bag with the fish to the tank. In other words, don't add the water in the bag to the water in the tank :)

Other things to do is to leave your light off for a few hours to allow the fish to adjust a little more. It seems a darker tank "relaxes" them. Feeding the other fish just as you release the newcomer also seems to distract the older occupants enough that they forget about checking out the newcomer.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Again Meeg, it sounds like your tank is not cycled. A week is not long enough to cycle a tank, this usually takes at least a month. It is likely he died from ammonia poisoning being added to an uncycled tank. Your tank is also too small for tiger barbs, something to consider. Take a look at the link in my signature for some cycling information that will help you.


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
I think the fish was sick to begin with. I would take it back. I was an idiot when I first started my tank and got fish within 72 hours. I went through a fish in cycle and only lost one fish about 1 month into it. My ammonia level got up at high as 6 and they all survived but the one I got from Meijer (won't do that again). I did 3 daily water changes once I found this site and discovered what cycling was (about 3 weeks into it). I just have a hard time believing the fish succumbed to the ammonia level in what 5 hours. He was probably going to die anyway. Like I said I would put him in a little baggie and take him up to the pet store with my receipt and argue for a refund. Cycle your tank and get something for a smaller tank. What about a mickey mouse platy? I think those can go in a smaller tank and they are too cute. I have 2 a red and white. Make sure you check though. I am no expert but I do feel like I have learned a lot esp. from this site. Good luck.


23G tall with current tenants
2 mickey mouse platies
1 sunburst platy
6 tiger barbs
1 dalmation molly
1 black molly


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Thanks MissFishy,

I did check out the cycling information on your site, thank you very much. I'm going to read it further - I specifically need to find out if I can cycle now that I have fish already in the tank.

I had been checking the ammonia levels and they were always very low 0 to 0.25 and then after that, we added the fish. I am going to inherit a 55 gallon tank and put the fish in there and find a new fish store. I really am trying to do the best for the fish we have left. Whoever said having fish was easy, was WRONG!

Thanks everyone. I wish I would have known about this site before I bought the fish!


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Thanks Staci - I kind of think he may have been sick as well, it was just so quick! This is such a great place and hopefully I'll get enough knowledge here to be able to enjoy our fish instead of worrying if they are going to make it. I want to do this right.

Thanks again - everyone has been so nice.


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
This place truly is awesome. Miss Fishy's cycling is where I found out all the info on cycling too. Really any question you might have someone on here can help you. I have asked quite a few questions about stocking too. Good luck to you.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
This place truly is awesome. Miss Fishy's cycling is where I found out all the info on cycling too. Really any question you might have someone on here can help you. I have asked quite a few questions about stocking too. Good luck to you.
Ditto !
if it wasnt for this site i wouldnt have fish anymore.
i was lucky, i started out with a very hardy fish ( guppies ! ) they are beautiful, hardy and very active. and of coarse found this site lol.
i was thrown into this hobby by my wife and son, they went and got without talking to me and guess who had to do the research after a fish died ! lol
anyway Good Luck


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
SOunds like me Bryan. Our fish tank was my hubby's brilliant idea. He set it up, decorated it, waited 72 hours and bought fish. THought it was all good. I found this site and checked parameters like you all told me to and found out it was not in fact all good. Took a lot of hard work, on my part but my tank is thriving. Funny thing is that Rocky (the husband) hasn't participated at all in the fish care. I do all water changes, parameter checking, feeding etc. So somehow it is now my fish tank. LOL I am convinced I have taught my fish though. I knock 3 times on the aquarium when it's feeding time and they all rush to the top anxiously waiting. Like Pavlov's dog LOL


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Now i LOVE this hobby
went from sons 10g 4 fish to cities of guppies ! LOL
hence my 20g and 2.6g LOL
soon to have at least 75g.
just have to figure all the details. one thing ive learned is research every thing.
im going planted in my 20g ( to help with nitrate ) ive put this off for to long.
just doing hornwort , but i dont want to add any funk to my tank.


Small Fish
Aug 29, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Thanks MissFishy,

I've read all the information on cycling the tank now that I have fish. Thanks for making it so easy to understand. The other fish are doing well, and I'm going to be getting the 55g tank and will do a fishless cycle and move them once everything is good.

It's funny how I've become kind of addicted to this hobby and it was for my son but I'm getting more out of it.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Thanks MissFishy,

Thanks for making it so easy to understand.

It's funny how I've become kind of addicted to this hobby and it was for my son but I'm getting more out of it.
thats why i always recommend MissFishys site, it is so easy to understand, and its not overwhelming. if i can understand it anyone can lol
and this is a very addictive hobby trust me !