I placed him in the big tank this morning, and not even an hour later, he died.
All my larger fish are now in the 29 gallon.
"You need to put those fish in the 29gallon tank immediately. First do a big water change to get the cycling ammonia out. Place the filter or at least the filter media from the 5 gallon tank on the 29."
That's already been done.
"You could leave the guppy in the 5 as a hospital tank."
The fry are in this tank. Plus the guppy died.
"And what's with all the snails in the 1.5??"
I started out with 2 that I didn't want to begin with. They came into my tank on a plant and multiplied like crazy. I had to take them out because they were overtaking my tank. I don't know what to do with them. I doubt the pet store would take them since they do not have any fish that eat snails.
"Get PRIME as a dechlorinator. It will detoxify the ammonia and nitrites until the tank is cycled, but not interfer with the nitrogen cycle."
Thanks for the advice. I will look into that.
"Fin rot is caused by bad water conditions. You need to immediately do a HUGE water change and for goodness sake get those fish into the larger tank, they are way too crowded. The melafix is a good idea, but the tank is really way too small. Huge water changes to make the water conditions better is all you can do at this point."
I've been doing that.
"all I can say is do as these guys say they know what they are talking about, I am sorry for your fish being so ill I know I'd flip if one of mine got that way, good luck I hope the guppie pulls through"
Thank you stoddern. He passed on unfortunately.