Please help with Identification


New Fish
Feb 5, 2011
I recently started a new tank and yesterday I went and bought live rock. So far I've found an emerald crab and the two things I am posting pictures of. One is green and I have no idea what it is and am thinking I should remove it. The other picture are what I think are feather dusters that have lost their crowns. There are about 7 tubes that have a worm in them. They do not have the fans, but have 2-4 tiny short feathery things around what I would assume is a mouth. Some of the tubes are redish and curled and some are straight. Could someone help me figure out what these are and what the green thing is (and if I should get them out).

Thank you!



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The first looks to be some sort of macro algae that I would pick off as it may take over if let thrive. The second are harmless tube worms.....very common in live rock.