Please help! Worm like things in tank


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
So I noticed what I thought to be a weird "fuzz" in my cichlid tank so I did a 1/3rd water change and scrubbed the tank walls with the brush thing.
I get home today and the "fuzz" is back, I sit next to the tank and I'm looking at it, and I'll be damned if one of the "fuzzies" didn't crawl across the tank! They are tiny little white worm like things. Not even 1/4th of an inch long, really thin. What do I do? There's tons of them. Please help I love my fish!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
The skinny white worms that you're referring to sound a lot like the ones I have on my crays.

In my situation, the worms and crays share somewhat of a symbiotic relationship---worms help keep the crays clean, crays provide the food for the worms.

They are completely harmless, so everyone is happy!

However, I have never seen them any place other than on the crays themselves...never crawling on the glass or anything like that.

I suppose they could have been introduced into your tank by some other means, and we may not even be talking about the same thing, but have you had crays in your tanks before?

My guess is that they're probably harmless, but it's best to play it safe I suppose.

Big Vine


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
There is a clam in there that my bf found in a creek aloooooooong time ago. He's been there a few months at least.
I will try to get a picture posted for more help, every picture I've taken just shows a fuzzy substance on the walls, I have to see if I can borrow my neighbors better camera to take a more clear picture.

Apr 22, 2003
Most likely, planaria, a tiny white flatworm. They live in pretty much every fish tank. And individually, they are harmless. Some fish will even eat them if the planaria are out in the open. They usually live in the substrate, until something stirs it up and makes them go everywhere. Once the water settles, they hide again.

However, if there are tons of them and they are everywhere, that might mean that your tank is getting dirty. They tend to grow huge populations when there is too much food in the tank and can be a good indicator. So they're a sign that you should feed a bit less and vacuum the gravel every few weeks, scrub the gunk from the filter once in a while. Just so that there's no ammonia/nitrate overload from excess food.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2006
ya im having it too in my 5g shrimp tank.i reduced it ny making frequent WC.but ive seen my shrimp eating them.and also i asked my lfs and they said this mostly occurs only in shrimp tanks and bigger fish tank,if you got some tetras and live bearers,they will eat them.