Jan 20, 2005
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TANK SETUP: 40G: Cichlid Planted: Red Jewel, Red Zebra, Blue Malawi, M. estherae OB, M. Auratus, 2 Krib, 2 Convicts (Breeding like rabbits!), Firemouth, Jack Dempsey, Common Pleco

Okay! First of all, yes I know, I shouldn't have Africans & C/S Americans mixed but its done. If I could, I would seperate them in another tank but I can't and we are attached to all of 'em. "K", my Red Zebra, is so hyper-dominant that it isn't even funny and he is a big boy (pretty much full grown
(5 1/2")). I understand his dominace and accept it because he was the first one to hit the water of the tank. Also, the convicts are very aggressive due to their parental status. All of the other fish are stuck in LIMBO and I feel sorry for them.

How do I rectify the situation? Could I add another large fish to give K & the convicts a "run for their money?" That would probably just make things worse. Or would it? Or should I totally redo the aquascaping and let them all re-establish teritories? The only problem I see with that is 1) my plants getting harmed in the process and 2) there is some VILE stuff that has formed under various parts of the sand substrae. It ranges anywhere from Jet-black to various bright colors. I can see it where the sand comes up on the glass. I don't want that stuff being released into the water. I guess vaccuming could help. I just remember when I had to replant a plant (Convicts), in the process, I shifted a buried rock or two that released an air pocket and it was one of the most PUNGENT odors I have ever smelled. Kinda sulfuric. That obviously can't be good, huh? Please someone, anyone, everyone! What do I do?????


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I claim to in no way be a chichlid expert... but don't some people 'crowd' cichlid tanks so there's no room for them to establish territories? I don't know and don't take my word for it... maybe someone else can comment on that possiblity.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
with sand in a tank you need to make a habit of stirring it up at least once a month to keep those pockets from forming. Best idea right now would probably be to either take the chance, stir everything up...or take all the fish out, stir the sand, re-scape the tank, do a water change and put the fish back in. I'm surprised that your cichlids dont move the sand around, I rarely have to stir the sand up in my 29 just because the critters move things around so often.

I'm sorry...I dont know how to solve your stocking issues, and I doubt its anything that is going to be resolved by one simple thing. Changing their territories around will only work for so long, then they'll reestablish them and go at it some more. You've read about the differences and the reasons from keeping africans and SA's together right? Otherwise you wouldn't have pointed out that you know you shouldn't have them mixed.

If it was my tank, I'd pick one or the other type and take the others back to the store...or get another tank. Pretty much anywhere is big enough for another medium sized tank if you want to fit it in...and if $$ is the issue then you can always find great deals on craigslist or your local classified ads or your local fish clubs. Being attached to a fish doesn't replace the fact that we are responsible for their welfare.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I would start with isolating convicts into another tank and getting rid of pleco.

But first of all, you need to clean your tank as it sounded like it can solve all your problems with stocking at once - just killing your fish one by one by sulfuric gases and nitrates build-up.

You are saying you attached to all of them but they are not living well. You respect and fav your zebra than stick with it and give away other fish or provide better habitat for them. There are no way you can solve your problems by buying new fish or wait when your submissive fish "grow balls":)

Jan 20, 2005
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I'm surprised that your cichlids dont move the sand around, I rarely have to stir the sand up in my 29 just because the critters move things around so often.
They do move the sand around A LOT. There are just a few spots that don't get it. Especially the corners and around the heater which is now buried.

Okay! I guess I need to do what is best for their well being. I'll start by taking them all out, giving the tank a good cleaning and rescaping. While they are re-establishing territories, I can cycle a new tank and then put the S. Americans in it. Hopefully then EVERYONE will be happy.

Oh yeah! Ur right svetlana. The pleco does need to and will go. He's getting quite big anyway.

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Yes overcrowding usually helps, but thats usually with an african specific tank (rift lakes).

I was going to suggest redoing the acascaping. But i agree with froggy, its only going to work for so long.

You should stir the sand once in a while. When you hit one of those pockets it smells like rotten eggs and is not pretty.

If it were me i'd just have to part with some. It can be hard yes, going through the same thing at the moment with some of my fish, although mine is not because of overcrowding/aggression. I keep telling myself this will be the weekend....and another passes without me doing it.

Jan 20, 2005
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ALLRIGHT! The cleaning is done! A whole gallon of bleach sure does work wonders and it solved my problem ENTIRELY!!! Okay! Bad joke! Man, you don't realize how dirty your tank actually is until you start stirring it up. Roundin' those critters up is a TASK in its self! I was done vaccuming & had left about 4" of water in the tank. While dragging my fingers through the sand to gather the golfball-sized rocks that were dispersed throughout, I grabbed something ALIVE! It was Jack! I must've forgotten to bag him and I didn't think anything of it 'cause he had buried himself.

Well, I redid the rockscaping (much better this time, I might add) and filled 'er back up. I made sure there was an ABUNDANCE of crevices & hiding spots this time. Everyone seems happy... for now...

Jan 20, 2005
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(Update) Please Help

I thought I'd post an update. It's been two weeks since the cleaning of the the tank and rescaping. I gave away my pleco last week and I must say that the tank seems to stay much cleaner. I guess those guys ARE pretty messy although the algae is starting to really gather on the rocks but its not that bad. Plus its good for my "grazers" which is really neat to watch. I did a good "weeding" of my plants and have gotten rid of almost all of the Green Cambomba (Cabomba caroliniana var. caroliniana) except for a couple of stalks of it. Man, that plant is messy! I've actually gone a whole week w/out having to clean my Fluval 4 Plus internal filter! *BOUNCINGS

Anyway, about the fish. They seem much happier now! My JD is starting to "hang out" with the other fish. My Red Zebra is still an A$$. I think he is trying to court my M. estherae OB but she doesn't want anything to do w/ him. As a whole, everyone seems to be getting along much better. I'll keep my eye on 'em & keep my fingers crossed that they all continue to play nicely.*thumbsups