Please help!

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
I just bought a mbu puffer. He is about 1 inch long now and in a month i am going to get a 55 gallon tank. I might be able to get a 150 gallon though. I made a mistake by not reading about it before i got it, but i might be able to take it back to my lfs and get a red belly pacu or a nano piranha. Do you think that would be smart or any other fish ideas? Thanks for your time.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
If you don't have the resources to take care of the Mbu, I would definitely consider returning it. It would be Ok, in a 55 for a little while, but you'd have to be thinking what you are going to do when it outgrows the tank.
What fish do you have now besides the puffer?

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Do you have any experience with piranhas? If not, I would probably do an google search for info on care of piranhas. What size is your take right now? I would wait to get any untill you get the 55or150 gallon for sure because things can change quickly so you dont want to be stuck with 10 full grown piranhas in a ten gallon tank.

:mad: :mad: It is obvious that you dont know hardly anything about that poor puffer you purchased.*thumbsdow *thumbsdow Take it back to the store. And as for the "nano" Pirahnas....Why even think about them, when you dont even have the proper size aquarium now.
Sorry if I am coming off being a #$%#$. But we see this ALL THE TIME!!!!!! People getting fish that they have NO CLUE as to what their needs are. Research,research, and did I mention research?
You did do the RIGHT thing and come this WONDERFUL website. There are alot of people on here that will answer your questions. They really know their stuff.
BUT.....Please take the puffer back to the store and Study up on him. Could save you alot of time and money in the long run....PLUS save a fish's life.

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