Please Help

Feb 15, 2010
Have had a 55 gallon for several months. Was set up according to all of the research and reading I have done. Cycled the tank. The tank was nice and clear. I did have a problem with Nitrites/Nitrates but finally got that under control with proper water changes and chemical aides. Now all off a sudden my tank has becomes very cloudy. I did another water change and it went right back to cloudy again(can't see through to the other side). Do I need larger filters? I have a Whisper 60 power filter and a Whisper Ex 70 filter. I have a very large parrot fish, 2 4" chiclids, 2 6" bala's, 4" Midas, 4" cat fish, and a pleco. I also also have a 40,30 and 20 gallon tanks in the house and they are all crystal clear. Help! I love my fish, don't want to lose them.

Feb 6, 2010
hi. what water conditioner are u usin ? have heard a few people have used certain water conditioners and it has made their water cloudy for a few days afterwards. secondly what substrate r u using ? if sand maybe u pouring the water into the tank it kicking aload of sand up off the ground and spreading it into the water. i place a decent sized black bowl into the sand on the bottom of the tank rightway up they pour the water into the tank above the bowl. doesnt disturb the sand hardly. and a new method i have discoverd is i have a clip on fish trap/breeder in my tank so i pour the water into either that or the top of my juwel bioflow filter. stops it disturbing the sand that way too.

Feb 15, 2010
just have gravel as a substrate. Was using just a make tap water safe conditioner with some Nitraban. Thinking about using some Prime now. Last time I used it it seemed to work good. Stunk up the house but worked well on the water, but not sure on the cloudiness. Do you think I have adequate filtration?

Feb 6, 2010
not too sure on the filter sizes to be honest. i use the aquaone water conditioner. always done me good. never had any problems ever. porbs be best asking a few of the more knowleged members of the forum on the filter side of things tho.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Are your parameters ok? Do the fish look like they're suffering?

It sounds to me like your tank's having a bacterial bloom. The best way to deal with them is wait til it's stopped, there's not much you can do about it really and it isn't unhealthy for the fish.

Feb 15, 2010
my fish seem to being doing fine, no-one is doing anything different. The parrot and the Midas still take turns chasing each other once in a while, the bala's are side by side back and forth, so far so good. I thought about the bacteria bloom, I just never thought it would be sooo cloudy. All of my other tanks look so good, I love just watching the fish swim. This one makes me feel like hanging a blanket over
How long will a bacteria bloom take? Is there anything I should be doing or should I just be sitting on my hands and waiting...waiting...waiting?

Feb 15, 2010
Okay, I went out and got another 55 gallon set up and divided my fish up so that they were not over stocked. Did a water change last night when I got up this morning my tanks were crap again. The one is cloudy...bacteria bloom? probably! but the other one is green....ugh!!! please help!!!:(

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
The 55 gallon you just got needs to cycle as well. Neither of your tanks are cycled and will have a bacterial bloom until the water parameters are under control. The green water means the same thing. It means your tanks are not cycled. Buy a test kit, test the water daily and do daily or every-other-day water changes for about a month or two.