Have had a 55 gallon for several months. Was set up according to all of the research and reading I have done. Cycled the tank. The tank was nice and clear. I did have a problem with Nitrites/Nitrates but finally got that under control with proper water changes and chemical aides. Now all off a sudden my tank has becomes very cloudy. I did another water change and it went right back to cloudy again(can't see through to the other side). Do I need larger filters? I have a Whisper 60 power filter and a Whisper Ex 70 filter. I have a very large parrot fish, 2 4" chiclids, 2 6" bala's, 4" Midas, 4" cat fish, and a pleco. I also also have a 40,30 and 20 gallon tanks in the house and they are all crystal clear. Help! I love my fish, don't want to lose them.