Please Help


New Fish
Jan 24, 2011
I have had my tank since October and we are moving quick. We are either at the aquairum store or I am looking many things on line. I have a 75 gallon tank. We are beginning to introduce coral and so far so good but I go have a question. There is always a colection of what I think loos like old food that never goes away unless I use the green net but even then not all of it goes away. please help me fugure out what I should get to help..
Thanks in advanve


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
If food is collecting on the bottom than you are over feeding. You should have a mixed cleanup crew of crabs, snails, ect. to take care of the uneaten food. You also want a Good protein skimmer to have a long term successful reef tank. You may also need to up the flow in the tank (more or stronger power heads) to keep the Detritus in suspension until the skimmer can get it out... Tell us more about your tank though so we can better help ie. skimmer, flow, feeding schedule, fish, clean up crew ect...