Please read all i need help!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I am officially scared of water changes. I did a 25% water change yesterday like everyone's been saying and the tank water clouded. This morning every fish was dead :( i dont understand......i didnt do anything that i dont do during my top offs, the P.H. of my well water and P.H. of my tank are the exact same and i didnt overdoes on aquasafe (if thats possible) What went wrong?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Did you check the water temp of your well water before you added it? I know we've had a cold snap on the east coast lately. I'm not sure about the cloudiness, but could it have been something in your water change bucket? Some sort of residue?

I'm sorry about your fish.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ive been using the same jar since i started, doubt it was that. Temperature was VERY close in range, not sure on exacts but they felt the same. The tank was at 79 and the water in the jar might have been 74. Dont think that'd do it. But im taking a break until my brithday in May in which il give it another round with the 20 gallon and a whole new type of fish. I didnt really like my tank the way it was anyway, wasnt active enough. The Barbs just sat around behind the plants and Lilly just stayed at the back of the tank and dwelled and i never got to see my Catfish so i thought this time around i could do some nice Tetra schools and maybe a school of cory's or some sort of loach perhaps but before ANY fish come. Im getting a manual water vacume ( OC showed me one online that looks exactly like mine except its got a pump in the middle and the end isnt a screw on thingy. Im also getting a Master API test kit from my local fish store for like $30. But i figured if i havent pissed everyone on the forum off maybe we could work on a lil stocking decor planning?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Okay, leme just start with some things im intersted in restocking with. If i do Tetra's or anything like that, id like to be able to do a school of about 6 although i wouldnt mind doing some Tiger Barbs if they'l fit. I really love cichlids as you all know but i cant do an african tank and accoding to Animal World supposedly i can keep a pair of Firemouths in there but i dont think that'd be even halfway a good idea (I think they mean a 20 gal long but they didnt specify) Also i supposedly could do an Angelfish which i also dont think would be a good idea. So that leaves me with the option of very few SA species however my LFS has some Kribs in. Id like to keep something with a nice attitude but not something that'l butcher any fish. Can anyone recomed something for a nice centerpiece?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You are already talking about restocking and haven't a clue what went wrong. If I am not mistaken you killed some fish a while back by using too much Aquaclear. You use a "jar", but don't say what size or how you measure the water and you need some type of thermometer. (Cloudy water made me think it was too warm) I can't explain this, Fishman, but my tanks are within two degrees of one another yet when I stick my fingers in my brain senses them way different so I can't rely on the touch system. Another thing - did you get the water from the same faucet? Some people on wells put in water softeners, but don't use it on all their faucets. You also mention "top off" - I have been under the impression that wasn't the thing to do - if your water is low, you change some. When was the last time you did a water change? If it was more than a couple of weeks maybe there was a drastic difference between the tank & well water. I can't help but feel your problem was either a miscalculation of Aquaclear or temp. 25% is 5 gallons or 20 quarts depending in the size of the jar you use. Anyway, before you even think about stock, you need to own the test kit, a thermometer, a suitable method to vacuum and a clean bucket that is only yours.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Uhhhhhh Animal world said it'd be better to do only 1 Convict in my 20 gallon because of there agressiveness so i dont think Convicts would work. If i did do any really agressive cichlids id do Africans. I like Bass's idea of a Pair of Kribs, some tetras and some corys pretty good actually. But lets still do some debating. Would an Angelfish be outta the question, and would a tiny african tank be outta the question such as maybe 2 Peacock cichlids and a Zebra? or i could just do a pair of Peacocks and some Upside Down Catfish.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Its a gallon jar i belive, also Thyra, As i explained above, before any fish come, im getting a Gravel Vacume, A API Master Test Kit and a More appropriate sitting area perhaps a cheap stand or something. Also since its a gallon jar and you use 5 ML for every 10 gallons i just did 5 drops of Aquasafe


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Uhhhhhh Animal world said it'd be better to do only 1 Convict in my 20 gallon because of there agressiveness so i dont think Convicts would work. If i did do any really agressive cichlids id do Africans. I like Bass's idea of a Pair of Kribs, some tetras and some corys pretty good actually. But lets still do some debating. Would an Angelfish be outta the question, and would a tiny african tank be outta the question such as maybe 2 Peacock cichlids and a Zebra? or i could just do a pair of Peacocks and some Upside Down Catfish.
I personally don't think that angelfish belong in anything smaller than a 40 gallon tank, and a tall tank at that. Keep in mind that angels are big fish (6" long and 10" tall). My angel isn't even full-grown yet (he's only about 4" long) and he looks like he belongs in my 55gal. I had him temporarily in my 29gal a while back and he looked very cramped.

As far as African cichlids, they don't belong in small tanks. Peacocks get to be 5" and require an absolute minimum 40 gallons tank size. Zebras get to be 6" and require a minimum 55gal. You wouldn't be able to fit enough African cichlids into a 20gH to properly distribute aggression and you'd end up with a lot of dead fish. Male peacocks are solitary and require a 0.5m (which is about 1.5 ft) square area for their territory.

Feb 27, 2009
As i explained above, before any fish come, im getting a Gravel Vacume, A API Master Test Kit and a More appropriate sitting area perhaps a cheap stand or something.
Add two 5gallon buckets to your list of equipment. If you have a home improvement store nearby (Lowes, Home Depot, etc), get two with lids there. Shouldn't cost more that $3-4 each.

Since you like cichilds, and want a fish with 'attitude,' have you thought of doing a tank of Neolamprologus multifasciatus? Not a lot of 'color' but lots of activity and movement. Not mindless pacing, but movement with a purpose. Go look on YouTube and use Neolamprologus multifasciatus as the search. They dig in the sand, move their shells around (which they use for hiding and breeding). They are a lot of fun.