Please read and help


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My female betta is still acting weird after a week. She will be a nice dark purple almost blue with a dark tail and when i approach the tank, put food in and sit down she changes to all green and begins to get that stress mark then goes to a redish and a red tail and then she bleechs to an ugly white and a red tail. havent seen her eat still and im getting worried, whats wrong with her?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
How long have you had her? Some of them take longer to adjust to tank life than others do. I've had females that have been completely fine and with nice gorgeous vibrant colors when I see them across the room, but as soon as I approach the tank, they got completely stressed out and got stress lines and their colors washed out. I never did anything except feed them, clean the tank (water changes) and look at them. But to see them react to my presence, you'd think I tortured them slowly.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
It took my GBR over a month to adjust to me. It's taken some of my betta girls close to three weeks to adjust to tank life and someone occasionally appearing in front of their tank (rather than the constant stream of people found at the LFSs).

Dec 10, 2010
Fort St. John, BC Canada
Wow thanks guys! I was afraid that there was something wrong with my betta who has been in his new tank for two weeks and does the same thing when I go near the tank, even crashing into the walls to get away from me. Same thing Bass, you'd think I had beaten the little guy! Mine goes on a complete hunger strike when I give him flakes, so about a week ago I started to feed him freeze died blood worms which he seems to be eating well enough. I know it can be frustrating Fish, every betta seems to have a personality of it's own. I had bought my betta thinking it would have the same vivacious personality as my last betta, who used to love to follow my finger along the glass of the tank and was always a joy to watch; and was slightly dissapointed to discover a skittish fish that hid from me when I would approach the tank! We can only hope that they adjust! Good luck with your betta, hope all goes well!

Dec 10, 2010
Fort St. John, BC Canada
My first betta was the exact same way fishwish, just seems like it's the luck of the draw! Have you tried frozen bloodworms Fish? Maybe that might stir her appetite? I find mine prefers the freeze died over the frozen, but every fish seems to prefer different stuff. Yesterday while cleaning my bettas tank I decided to try putting an airstone in it. I had always read that the bettas preferred less turbulent waters so I had never tried it before, but I put a valve in the line so that I could dial down the pressure, and he actually seems to like it! He's way more active and plays in it! Might be worth a shot if you don't have one in the tank already? It all seems trial and error with these fish, I'm sure she'll be happy in no time Fish!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I would probably switch to frozen bloodworms instead of freeze-dried. Frozen bloodworms don't float which kinda makes them seem alive and they have more nutrients (I believe - someone correct me if I'm wrong). I tried freeze-dried with my DP and he didn't like them at all but when I switched back to frozen he was a piggy!

Dec 10, 2010
Fort St. John, BC Canada
I'm sure you're right Achase, and I would think they would be healthier for the fish in the long run. My danios and tetras are ravenous for the frozen, but with my betta the frozen fall to the gravel too quickly and he refuses to bottom feed which then results in me sucking them back up with the turkey baster and feeding them to the other fish. I think that's the only reason why my betta prefers the freeze died over the frozen is because they do float; giving him a chance to eat them at his leisure after I'm a sufficient distance from his tank lol.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Well electra still hasnt ate yet that ive seen and its been almost 2 weeks. I guess she's bottomfeeding when im not around, she murdered the young platy that was in there with her, she ate his stomach out. She still has stress marks, i have NEVER had a betta have stress marks for this long, thou also this is my 1st female betta.