Please read and offer info thanx ;)


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Hi i currently am fixing to add some fish to a newly set up tank (55 gal) and im wondering what fish would be good to put with a Blood parrot, im thinking of 1 rainbow shark but id like another middle-upper level fish that would go good but no really agressive cichlid. would a Pair of Angelfish be fine or no?

Please respond soon,Robert

Dec 8, 2005
Harrison Twp. Michigan
Blood parrots tend to be rather aggressive, at least, in my experience. I wouldn't recommend angels bc the blood could easily rip their delicate fins. Although blood parrots are genetic modifications, and their mouths are typically too small to really "attack" most fish, they definitely can use them as battering rams and beat other fish into submission.

It really all depends on how large the blood parrot is, etc. And from your post, it's hard to gather some needed info for your question... like, do you already have the blood parrot, or are you just thinking of getting just one?

If you're looking for tank mates, and you're dead set on a blood parrot, you might want to consider just getting two bloods and then a larger pleco for your tank, give the bloods TONS of hiding places, and call it a day.

Let's see what other people think, but from what I've dealt with bloods, they can be snotty little bastards and pick on other tank mates, even if the tank mates are larger than the blood.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
hmmmm well i havent gotten any fish yet. im really wanting a rainbow shark again. i had one for 2 weeks once but i took him back to the store. i kinda put him in with some fancy guppies, a betta, and some corys. i decided id disregard what i read about them and learnt my lesson, the betta died and all my guppies fins were permanetly ripped to piecies. can you share any experince on rainbow sharks?