Pleco Diseases?


New Fish
Aug 2, 2011
My pleco looks bloated, and the water is cloudy. My betta fish is also showing signs of having ick. I was wondering if the pleco could have gotten it, or if there is another disease.

Feb 27, 2009
Lots of conditions manifest themselves with bloating in a fish, including constipation, bacterial infections and parasite loads. Cloudy water indicates a bacteria bloom normally. Although a bloom is not a bad thing by itself, with the fish being ill also, it is likely you have overloaded the biofilter in that aquarium. What kind of pleco is it? If it is a common pleco, it can grow to 2x the length of the tank and needs a HUGE (hundreds of gallon sized) aquarium to live in.

What are your current readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

If you signature is correct, you are seem to be overstocked in all of your tanks and water quality issues can bring on the conditions that would include bloat and ich.

Just my 2cents.