I'm going to be starting up a 20gal planted tank, and until I can balance the light vs. algae growth issue I want an inhabitant that will help out. I know common Plecos will feast on plants, but are there any other variants that will not damage the plants? Preferably a smaller species too.
In my past experience, I've never really noted a pleco to do much damage to a plant, at least directly. Occasionally mine uproots some plants because he's about 5 in. and growing and goes where he wants to go and mows down anything in his path.
Maybe some otos would be a good choice for algae control. I'll get back to you with a list of plecos that stay up to 4" in length.
otos would be great in a planted tank for alge control. They stay small, 'go' with almost every fish, aren't destructive, eat algae like mad, and are cute too!! lol
I'm going to be starting up a 20gal planted tank, and until I can balance the light vs. algae growth issue I want an inhabitant that will help out. I know common Plecos will feast on plants, but are there any other variants that will not damage the plants? Preferably a smaller species too.
Those candy stripes aren't the best algae eaters, they tend to prefer meaty snacks. They do stay small and will eat some algae. Bristlenose or rubberlipped are much more thorough when it comes to algae, IME.
I can't really say how well they eat algae, but man do they love to munch through wood. My beautiful piece of wood in my 29 gallon tank won't last more than a year. He has gone through 4 branches already. With all that fiber, this guy certainly does not need any mashed peas in his diet. Neither will he need a squirt of phosphate!...
lol, I was going to say that the Candy stripe Plec's (aka Clown Plecos) are not good algae eaters. Either that or mine missed the memo.
I would say for plecos that rubber lipped, or bristlenose would be your best bet. But if you keep your tank in balance you will not have an overabundance of algae.