Plecostomus Problems

Oct 24, 2012
I just bought a pleco a few days ago. It has been doing okay and then earlier today I found him floating upside down in my tank and from what I understand is normal and ok. But I recently walked by and notice that he can't swim properly. He's floating on his side, like he wants to move but he can't. he just falls to the bottom however and won't move, he is in a 10 gallon with an african chiclid. I just I dont know what to do.

Feb 27, 2009
Welcome to the forum, Ambamber!

earlier today I found him floating upside down in my tank and from what I understand is normal and ok.
I'm not sure where you learned this from, but a pleco does not float upside down unless it is ill or dying.

I recently walked by and notice that he can't swim properly. He's floating on his side, like he wants to move but he can't. he just falls to the bottom however and won't move.
How long has the aquarium been set up? Do you know about the nitrogen cycle? Can you post your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

he is in a 10 gallon with an african chiclid. I just I dont know what to do.
Depending on the species of pleco, he will outgrow a 10 gallon tank very quickly if he survives. The smaller species get 4" or so and can be housed in a 20 gallon tank, but most of the plecos sold are the 'common pleco' which can grow to 2feet or more in length. They are real 'tank busters.'

If you can get more information about the water conditions, we will do our best to help you help him.

If the aquarium has not completed the nitrogen cycle, he may be suffering from the affects of ammonia and/or nitrite poisioning. What brand of dechlorinator do you use? Some can be used to bind ammonia and nitrite to make it safer for the fish until the levels are at zero. Also, frequent water changes may be needed.

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