Plumbing help

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I've got all my plumbing connected and glued, my only problem is at the bottom of one of my drains the pipe only would go about half way into the elbow. Since there is not really any pressure on a drain line and it has been glued should I worry about a leak or should it be fine? Thanks for any advice


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I normally don't worry quite as much about drain lines... as long as it's not in a spot it'll get bumped a lot and it did in fact seal, it should be fine.

If you do notice a small *slow* leak from that joint, I've used something called "Marine Goop" and "Plumbers Goop" to seal around the pipe where it meets the fitting. Never had an issue after that.



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I agree provided there is no/limited back pressure; if, however, your return line is underwater (which you really don't want anyway) and you are getting back pressure you could see some problems.

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Thanks for all the responses. My return lines aren't under water luckily. I have the tank almost full I stopped and started adding LR but the water is so cloudy I can't see what Im doing. My question is my water is about 1/4 of an inch lower on one side. Should that be a problem? You can hardly tell it just glancing but with a tape measure you can tell maybe Im just trying to be to much of a perfectionist


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
When you say your water is lower on one side I assume that means relative to the top of the glass (otherwise gravity is all out of whack where you live). This likely means that your tank is not perfectly level. Have you checked? I don't want to tell you it will be okay (because it might come back and bite me in the ass), but I had a 55g for a few years which was about 1/8in different in level from one end to the other and it never gave me a problem.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Yeah, while I'd never say 1/4" out is *OK*, I also wouldn't be overly concerned if it were my tank... Probably better to level it better if you can though ;).

A couple things to keep in mind when using a level for tanks,
1) low end (cost) levels are not always "square", so even if your bubble is in the slot it doesn't mean the vial is exactly parallel to the base of the level. Personally I won't use levels that aren't machined on their base surface. Just a better chance the are square. I knew a guy who used an out of square level for building a wall with a doorway... Everything was square to everything else he built but NOTHING was true to the original building... The door was slanted off by almost 3/4", try fittin' a door in that lol ;).

2) Make sure to check both planes. (front -> back and side -> side).

3) make adjustments slowly, small and check both planes often. It's amazing how much of a difference a 1/8 shim will make over 6' ;).

And anytime man :).
